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Incoming matrixes ton/a
Biomethane injected in the grid Smc/a

Construction of an aerobic composting plant for pretreatment and anaerobic biodigestion.

The organic waste treatment plan, currently being built in Loc. Le Fornaci – Viterbo, is located on a surface area of 28.000 m2,  and has a potential proction capacity of 50.000 ton/a. Waste to Methane has completed the pre-treatment section, which consists of a custom built screening trommell for a preliminary process of the incoming material, to reduce size and remove sacks and plastic debris, through separating machines which operate on centrifugal forces, to produce two separate flows: residual plastics and organic pulp,  free from any foreign debris, ready for the digestors.
The anaerobic digestion area is equipped with biocells fitted insufflated air drying beds and air aspiration, maturing drying  beds for first and second maturation; a refing section, in which  compost is submitted  to screening operations. The plant i salso fully equipped with 2 scrubbers and biofilters for air purification and odour abatement.

Details of Viterbo plant
designed by Waste to Methane

Waste to Methane

Energia high-tech, i rifiuti diventano biometano

Waste to Methane S.r.l.

I Via Nazareno Pellegrino, Z.I. c.da Lecco-Rende (CS) Italia E info@wastetomethane.comT AMMINISTRAZIONE +39 0984/1453627
