

About Us

W2M designs and builds dry anaerobic digestion plants (DRY) for FORSU treatment


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Waste to Methane Srl originates in Rende(CS) in 2018 from a perception of Crescenzo Pellegrino, well established industrialist  in the Environment business. In the pursuit of endorsing the objectives contained in the EU action plan, which promotes the circular transition, sustainable development and reduction of greenhouse emissions, caused by the fossil fuels, the businessman chooses to finance a research and development project, leading to the construction of the first biodigestor for the production of biomethane by FORSU. The amazing results obtained in terms of performance and reliability, lead to setting up an innovative start-up to replicate the project on industrial scale, involving a team of   young professionals and researchers. W2M biodigestors represent an excellence in the field, turning organic waste in biomethane, and quality compost soil amender. The company from Rende(CS), active on the entire national territory with a continuously increasing number of biogas plants, has recently been upgraded in an innovative pmi(small/medium business).
The secret of Waste to Methane is a young and qualified team, with an average age of 32 years old, led by a CEO well aware of market’s demands, thanks to a thirty years experience in the field, and a comprehensive overview. Personal skills have always been privileged, without restricting personal contribution to the company through the  initiative, creativity or enthusiasm of each single member of the team. The personal Know how of the CEO, supporting the team at each level, allows to establish direct interactions with clients and suppliers. The challenges are numerous and engaging, and request noticeable efforts, directly linked to each one’s responsibilities, such as rewarding are the end results, which are shared with the whole team. A business approach which goes beyond the mere profits, privileging the teamwork and the achievement of ethical targets, which reflect the total determination to pursue sustainable and circular business models.
W2M is the only company entirely made in Italy to offer planning, building and management of anaerobic digestion plants. The ability of paying attention and customizing single clients requests, and to offer a ready to go plant, gives W2M a privileged status in the market. The attention to small details, to the continuous development of single processes, joint to technical and legal skills, necessary to follow projects from early stages, beginning from obtaining lycences to the ultimate phase of training and supporting personell which will work in the Plant.
Since 2018 to date, W2M has acquired several certifications, registered three industrial patents and obtained important aknowledgments. In particular waste to Methane Srl has developed and patented Superdry Italian Management System – SIMS,  a production process which allows the immission of pretreated matrices in a “dry” environment, without the addition of process waters and with a high density, with the subsequent elimination of problems related to wastewater treatment, and total elimination of plastic debris from digestate, before and after treatment, which leads to higher productivity rates. W2M has engaged long term relationship with the DIMEG(Unical), to complete the exhisting package with Solid Oxide Fuel Cells which produce electricity directly from oxidizing a fuel. Moreover, our chemical department is working in several research projects with prestigious Italian and foreign universities to innovative methods of treating biogas contaminants.


The process: Super Dry Italian Management System - SIMS.

Waste to Methane Srl offers

a process technology entirely developed by our technical team, which is the core of our biodigestion plants: SIMS

SIMS is a dry process

in which solids concentration, generally ranges between 25% and 35%, and does not need any dilution.

Waste to Methane S.r.l.

I Via Nazareno Pellegrino, Z.I. c.da Lecco-Rende (CS) Italia E info@wastetomethane.comT AMMINISTRAZIONE +39 0984/1453627
