Visiona la scheda tecnica

Biogas produced sm3/a
Biomethane injected in the grid sm3/a

The biomethane produced allows us to cover 9 mln km, powering up to 4.500 vehicles, with a total saving of over 16,2 mln kg of CO2 per year

The biodigestor in Rende, was completed in 2018, following a research and development project, entirely financed by Calabra Maceri, a leading company in waste management, which since the late 80s pursues sustainability and circularity objectives, as the focal point of its mission.
The decision of build, an entirely custom-made plant, came from the need to fully satisfy the company’s requirements of reliability and optimal production output, in compliance with the maximum regard for environment. Thanks to its experience in waste management, and the long-standing collaboration with the University of Calabria, a new work team is set up to pursue the challenge of developing a new production process concept, the Superdry Italian Management System, which will be the the heart of the new plant, unique in its kind, which since 25th august 2018, date of its first injection in the national gas grid, with its full treatment potential of 50.000 tons of organic waste, has exceeded every possible expectation, in both productivity than reliability.
Moreover it has become a fully replicable model, with a very positive  financial and occupational impact on the local area. The original workteam are part of a new company, the start-up Waste to Methane Srl, now fully established amongst the top players of biodigestion plant constructors. With over 4.000.000 smc of biomethane for car fuelling, injected in the national gas grid, each year, and about 14.000 tons of soil amender for biological agricolture, produced, sold and distributed in the local farms, the challenge has been successully overcome.

Plant details of Calabra Maceri e servizi S.p.A. which injects biomethane in the national grid
since august 2018

Calabra Maceri e servizi S.p.A. - Rende (CS)

High-tech energy, waste turns into biomethane

Waste to Methane S.r.l.

I Via Nazareno Pellegrino, Z.I. c.da Lecco-Rende (CS) Italia E info@wastetomethane.comT AMMINISTRAZIONE +39 0984/1453627
